
How Long Will a Portable Shed Last? 

How Long Will a Portable Shed Last?Whether serving as an outdoor storage space or somewhere close by to work on a personal project, your portable shed should be built-to-last. However, a portable shed’s life expectancy will depend on its material, surrounding environment, and maintenance schedule. Here’s how long you can expect a portable shed to last.

Portable Shed Life Expectancies

Portable sheds are usually made out of metal, vinyl, plastic or wood. Below are some of the benefits of using each and how long they’ll stand.

  • Metal

    Steel or aluminum sheds are known for their durability. Metal is resistant to many environmental factors, including rot and fire. With the right care, a metal portable shed can last up to 30 years.

  • Vinyl

    Vinyl sheds can last up to 25 years. In addition to being rot- and pest-resistant, vinyl can also withstand rust, unlike metal. However, the longevity of a vinyl shed is largely dependent on how it’s constructed. If it isn’t on a proper foundation, it could be vulnerable to wind damage.

  • Plastic

    Plastic is a popular shed material because it’s widely available and inexpensive. While it’s much more lightweight than other materials and resistant to rust and rot, most plastic sheds only last 10-20 years and can be vulnerable to severe weather.

  • Wood

    Wooden sheds usually vary in their lifespan depending on what type of wood they’re made of. Well-treated and -maintained wood can last several decades, but an untreated wooden shed might not last as long.

How to Extend Your Portable Shed’s Longevity

While material plays a large factor in your shed’s longevity, so does regular maintenance. Just like with your home, it’s important to do regular inspections and repairs on your shed. Some tips for extending your shed’s life expectancy includes:

  • Mold and Pest Inspections

    Florida’s humidity makes mold and mildew a common issue, which can lead to structural and health risks. Pests such as termites and ants can also be a nuisance. Regularly inspect for signs of these problems, and clean them up as soon as possible.

  • Seal Your Exterior

    Sealants and paints will often chip away due to the harsh sun and severe weather. The roof can also be damaged, leading to loose or missing shingles and panels. Re-seal and repaint your shed’s exterior when you notice the color dulls, and constantly check the roof for any holes or leaks.

  • Secure the Foundation

    While portable sheds should be easily moved, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t secure them where they are. Properly anchor your shed when you find a good space for it, and make sure it’s on a level ground to avoid water damage.

Secure Your Shed with Superior Sheds

From our spacious and durable premade models to custom-built spaces, Superior Sheds offers a variety of options for versatile and spacious outdoor living and storage. Our experienced staff can help you design and install the perfect structure to fit your style, budget and needs. For more information on the body, roof, trim, and colors we carry, call us today at 1-877-439-7433.